Virus & Bacterial Filter

01 Overview

Mada Filter: Highest filtration efficiency and comprehensive protection Our Mada filters are characterized by an outstanding filtration efficiency of 99.9%, tested by the independent Nelsonlab laboratory at a flow rate of 30 L/min, which corresponds to normal, calm breathing. However, a forced measurement is also crucial for lung function tests. The patient breathes in deeply and then exhales vigorously through the filter. At this load, the filter must achieve a filtration efficiency of at least 99.9% at 750 L/min. Our Mada filters meet this criterion and have had this confirmed by the CAMR test laboratory. In addition, our filters are specifically tested and certified against coronaviruses - an essential feature in today's healthcare landscape. A high-quality filter should also have a low flow resistance to enable precise volume measurement. Our Mada filters have a flow resistance of just 0.87 cmH₂O/L/s. Another advantage: the dead volume of our filters is only 38.2 ml, which is half the dead volume of other filters on the market. This is particularly important for smaller patients and children under 38.5 kg to ensure accurate volume measurement. We are convinced that modern filters must guarantee 99.9% virus protection in all applications. Anything else would not be sufficient, as there is no adequate protection against bacteria and viruses for patients, specialists and equipment. With our Mada filters you guarantee the best protection for your patients and your examination staff.

02 Product details


Best test quality with the highest filtration efficiency of more than 99.999%

Mada filter with integrated mouthpiece. Optimal protection against bacteria and viruses for the patient, the operator and devices. Best test quality with the highest filtration efficiency of more than 99.999%.

Important to note: Many filter types are only certified for normal, calm breathing of 30 L/min in terms of their filtration efficiency. In contrast, the Mada filter achieves its high filtration efficiency not only with normal, calm breathing. We guarantee a certified filtration efficiency of 99.999% even with a forced FEV1 measurement of 13 L/sec or 750 L/min.

See comparison table under Downloads (filtration efficiency table)

Available for all body plethysmographs and spirometers.

More Informations

03 Customer opitions

We decided to change because patients usually get along very well with the direct mouthpiece and we could otherwise also fit a mouthpiece there. Hygiene measures also play a role and there are few patients who feel choking with the silicone mouthpieces and so we can avoid this too.

The filters are much more comfortable for the patients and with the kit including nose clip, hygiene is much better guaranteed.

The silicone mouthpiece is much more comfortable for patients, we no longer have problems with patients and the measurements are even better.

We were impressed by the excellent filtration values ​​compared to the competition – we want the best possible protection for our employees and patients.


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Filtrationseffizienz Tabelle

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Viren- & Bakterienfilter Datenblatt

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Filter Effizienz Coronavirus (COVID)

05 Verwandte Produkte