The guarantee of precise and correct load in the low range of 10 to 100 watts is particularly important for seriously ill patients who cannot bear high loads, as well as for high load levels in sports medicine. Only reliable and accurate ergometry can guarantee an exact diagnosis. This complies with the requirements of the Medical Device Ordinance (MepV) 819.124, Section 5, as well as the Swissmedic guidelines on maintenance by specialist personnel (Art. 20). You can find more information at the following link: http://www.swissmedic.ch/md/pdf/hmg-use-d.pdf. (Link to PDF – as it is now on the page) Re-adjustment or calibration is required after repairs or maintenance.
The ergometer is tested dynamically over the entire required working range, taking into account different revolutions per minute and all required load levels. For this purpose, we use a special calibrator (ergotest 550, certified according to Euro standards), which tests the ergometer with software according to the desired protocol at different speeds and load levels and records the results.
Only with this dynamic test method can you ensure that your ergometer functions correctly in the crucial load range. This is particularly important for diagnostics in patients with limited resilience who can only reach low load levels of, for example, 0-100 watts. This also applies to high load levels in sports medicine. Why is a dynamic test necessary and not a static one? Static test and calibration methods that use calibrated weights do not include the required speed that is needed in the formula for calculating power.